Around the West Coast Conference

Didn’t Brovelli’s kid play for 8 or 9 years?? Sure seemed like it back then. The center from LMU, Leaupepe seemed to have a long tenure. Maybe he just looked like a senior when he was a freshman.

And his dad is still LIVID:

Unfortunately, behind a paywall.

Seth Towns finished his 8th and final year of eligibility at Howard. That includes the Covid year. He was in the same recruiting class as Jayson Tatum.

Al Grigsby played at Cal for 6 seasons

Ha! There were a handful of us that attended Santa Clara in the early 90’s and attended the same parochial grade school in San Diego…along with Mike Brovelli. He was in my class. We played hoops together and we actually won a San Diego Parochial basketball championship. Looking back there were several eventual D1 athletes on that team, we were like in 5th grade at the time. The Brovellis are a great family.