Women's Hoop

well that HURT

Tough game, but big development because the wbb account used KSCU’s audio for highlights!


Portland fan here. The Santa Clara women had a great season. It could very well have been a different outcome yesterday had (our former Pilot) Keely Frawley been there for you. We were also lucky you went for the tie at the end of the game instead of the win. I did want to acknowledge what a great and gracious sport Ashley Hiraki was at the end of the game. It just had to be a devastating loss, but when the two teams were going through the line, Ashley was sincerely complimentary to all of our players. I was very impressed.


Got the 4 seed in the Washington State quadrant of the WBIT (who lost their best player due to injury already) and have a HOME GAME at Leavey this Thursday!

The opponent? Old friend BYU. Everybody come pile into Leavey one last time!


Broncos send cougars home with 60-59 victory. Nice win and another loss for BYU.


And Podz was there cheering on the team. A really amazing game.


that was an electric second half, college basketball can’t get rid of this broadcaster yet :sunglasses:

stay tuned, KSCU may be in the Palouse Sunday :eyes: