2024 Transfer Portal

Maybe the roster move we are waiting for is Bal going pro? These seem like recruits who are being courted in case Bal departs. I’m not predicting anything, just puzzled by the priorities like @92bronc


I like the length and athleticism. I dislike the number of midrange shots. But his shooting stats are decent overall, so I’m hopeful that he is more discriminating than the highlight reel makes it seem. Very few assists, as others have pointed out. So he is not likely coming in as the initiator of the offense if SCU lands him. But very few turnovers also. So would he even fit in? :wink:

On this topic the Heal transfer has more lady Broncos joining the conga line out….

oh dear, please do tell. The only returning rotation players anyway were Pollerd, Hudgins, and Naro so anything further and Bill Carr is…in a pickle

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There are currently 1192 kids in the transfer portal. Approx 5000 D1 basketball scholarships exist in total. Thats 1200 out of 5000 and we are not done yet. I’m sure more will continue to enter the portal.

Here is the SCU women’s list I found. You can Google for the women’s portal.

Rafailia Stergaki, 5’10, G, Jr. (0.7 ppg — 9 games)

Danja Stafford Collins, 6’1, F, Sr. (0.9 ppg)

Ashley Hiraki, 5’7, G, Sr. (4.9 ppg)

Lara Edmanson, 6’0, G, Sr. (7.7 ppg, 3.7 rpg)

Marya Hudgins, 6’0, G, Soph. (7.7 ppg, 5.4 rpg)

Tess Heal, 5’10, G, Soph. (19.5 ppg, 3.9 rpg, 4.9 apg)


I saw the same thing on women’s transfers. Smells like something is wrong in the womens program. We can not tolerate indiscretions with coaches so while I hope nothing is amiss, it sure looks like it. 6 players is most of the team. Something is wrong and needs to be addressed.

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I don’t feel inclined to jump to any conclusions on the six transfers:

Tess Heal transferring is of little surprise. She can play anywhere, and probably wants a bigger spotlight. I think anyone paying a little attention to this team and her career saw this coming.

Of the remaining five, three are seniors. They did four years in the program and presumably got their degrees. Fortunately for them, they’re the last class that can get fifth year of basketball, and going in the portal and looking for a different option for grad school isn’t alarming, in my opinion.

Stergaki played very little, and probably wants a place to get minutes.


Good points and I hope I am over reacting. Agree on Heal leaving as while I would want her to stay she will get more publicity somewhere else and if she wants to go pro, more power to her. The others I did not know as well but the sheer numbers caught me off guard. I just hope there are no internal issues. The portal giveth and taketh away.

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Not surprised with Hudgins since her role and playing time seemed to diminish compared to her freshman year. Also, this year appeared to play more off the bench with limited playing near seasons end, including both tournaments WCC and WBIT…

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Looks like Carlos Stewart is back in the portal this year.

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Grass is not always greener (maybe NIL was greener)


I’d take him in a heartbeat

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He’s good at both the 1 and the 2

But I doubt Herb would take him back. I think most coaches are of the mindset “if you don’t want to be here, then good luck, but no coming back”

Weave, didn’t that happen to Oseh Appiah in our program? He changed his mind but CW said no? I vaguely remember something like that…

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San Francisco sophomore Mike Sharavjamts has entered the Transfer Portal @On3sports has learned


Saint Mary’s G Chris Howell has entered the transfer portal


Elon transfer Max Mackinnon has committed to Portland.


To take him back will def require a team discussion to keep cohesiveness. Not saying it’s a bad decision - but you DEFINITELY owe it to guys who have been loyal to openly discuss and get everyone on the same page. Put egos aside and decide if it is what is really best for the team. UCONN does a great job at not going for the razzle dazzle guys - and getting guys who are “with the program”. Thats why they’ve been so successful.


Facts on UCONN. But, their dudes also happen to be NBA guys.

Carlos isn’t coming back.

Not sure what to make of Sharavjamts’ ‘Do Not Contact’ notification. Maybe he’s already narrowed down to a couple of schools and doesn’t want to talk with anyone else??? Or leaving college hoops and turning pro (presumably overseas) and transfer portal is a formality in case he changes his mind??? We’ll see soon enough I guess. Regardless it is a loss for USF, he provided good size on the perimeter and wing for them.

Howell…a decent athlete but he’s buried behind Marciulionis and Mahaney plus SMC has two 4 star guards arriving this Fall. Howell saw the writing on the wall.