WCC Game 9: vs. USD

Re: Caffaro: I like his defense, but gosh, he is a negative on the offensive side.


I arrived late. Seriously what is up with these refs? Are they betting an over under?? Those three fouls in 4 seconds was total BS. How does a team get 3 fouls in 4 seconds?


Femme, it WAS a foul by Cam. He crouched and lowered his shoulder into the defender. I don’t mind the aggressive play, but it was the right call.


The way USD is defending, O’Neil has a driving lane on nearly every half-court possession.

Finally a lead and look 10x the better team. Let’s go up 7 by the under 12

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CMJ is a -9 on the +/-

Like I said. Couldnt see from where we sit.

I was informed lots of contact before Cam went up. (Which was not called. Fine with that too. Stop calling the hard rip though) My phone was blowing up from folks back home asking if WCC refs know they are officiating a basketball game.

Cmon Hammond, should not be in this game right now

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How about we stop fouling 3pt shooters.


Seriously that’s been 7 free points today

NOWWWW, Herb presses…

I’m sorry guys but I’m here. This bald ref has it in for Santa Clara. We are not going to walk away with the win today.

The SAME defense that San Diego plays is a forced turnover when they hit our guys - but when we play same way - it’s a foul.

The charge call on Caffaro and Ensminger were absolute BS. The no call when Tilly was hit trying to dunk.

Still can’t get past 3 fouls in 4 seconds.

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Herb Tarlek could outcoach Sendek:


Terrible offensive execution may be our undoing tonight…
-missed front of one and one
-can’t score after 3 off rebs and extra chances
-missed dunk by O’Neil (was a little contact…could have been a touch foul)
-Tilly can’t convert around the rim

All of the above just within the past 3 mins.

Tilly’s over the shoulder 6 footers have been pretty unreliable, and I’d prefer he not try them for a while. He is much better squared up and closer to the hoop

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Maybe some bad calls.
But the bald ref hasn’t caused the 19 TO’s (and counting), terrible shooting and poor offensive execution.


4-23 from 3 on very decent looks hurts.

3 fouls on 3pt shooters.
Hammond with a couple wild misses and a turnover in the span of 4 possessions at the 7 min mark.

5 points each from bal and marshall.

If a miracle doesn’t happen, this loss completely negates the win over Gonzaga.


They just showed that it’s 10-7 on second chance points in favor of SCU. When you get 14 more offensive rebounds and only have a three point advantage on second chances…well…

I would like more aggressive defense and consistent pressure. But not sure how much I can blame Herb for this one. Herb isn’t tossing the ball to the other team, missing the front end, or shooting 17% on wide open threes.


It’s all in the preparation. Herb doesn’t get them ready to play


The bald ref set the pace early. The three consecutive fouls in four seconds.

One of the three point fouls there was NO CONTACT. Adama got out of his way. The kid fell backwards.

These refs inserted themselves into this game and made the message clear. San Diego can play with freedom but Santa Clara was called for a tight game.

THREE of our TOs were Cams offensive fouls. A couple were our guys getting fouled for the TO and no call. So LEGIT TO count is closer to 12.