Transfer Portal targets

Hi folks,
Since we had two threads going on this same topic, I merged the two for convenience. Continue to post all news about possible transfers into SCU below.


We have one player who graduated. (Keyshawn) and two who entered the portal. Carlos Marshall who is questionable but I a pretty sure is moving on would make 4. We picked up two Freshman and O’Neil committed. Does that leave no vacancies if Carlos stays or one more should he leave? Is that how this works?

If Marshall and Podz return then we’re at 13 and theoretically maxed out. Marshall’s recent tweets seem to hint at a return but was vague.
It seems we’re still pursing guards in the portal so either the coaches expect one or both of Marshall and Podz to leave or it’s at least a hedge against that in the near term until they know for certain.
And I’m not rooting for any additional Broncos to transfer, in fact the opposite, but pragmatically it wouldn’t shock me to see one additional transfer.
The dominoes are still falling. You’re still seeing guys enter the portal, including a couple of new ones yesterday in the WCC. And as guys land in new places, existing players at those schools may feel recruited over and decide to transfer themselves. Plus unknowns on who will/won’t stay in the draft. Add all that up and I expect the transfer activity continues to be robust for the next ~2 months. We may not have a firm handle on our 2023/24 roster until June.

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There’s a pretty clear slot for Marshall this season at SCU with Keyshawn leaving and Podz with a question mark. There are all sorts of reasons why one might transfer, but it would seem that the route to having a key role and playing time would be clear for CM2–need a big guard who can shoot from the outside and help with rebounding.

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Question: Are all the players available to return and wanting to return guaranteed a spot on next season roster, or can they can be told your no longer welcomed back and be dropped from the roster and replaced with someone from the transfer portal?

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Scholarships are on a 1 year renewable basis. The coach can tell a kid adios, but that’s a pretty crappy thing to do unless there are extenuating circumstances. Besides you get a reputation for doing things like that and you’ll have a heck of a time recruiting…


I think most coaches will tell a kid that his PT is going to go way down the next year, and the kid can make his own decision to stay or go.


Interesting one to potentially keep an eye on


Looks like he redshirted his first year at St. Francis (2019-20), then played for three years. If he graduated from SF, then he could be at SCU for 2 years, right? How does it matter if someone is a transfer vs. a grad transfer?

Figured this was a long shot. Visited UMASS, don’t think he visited SCU

He went to UMass . Nice to see us compete with Iowa and Penn st


We still have one open scholly, right?

Yes, assuming Podz doesn’t return.
Braun’s departure opened up a spot.

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Right. One spot for Podz or a transfer.

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